Tuesday, October 02, 2007


So I wasn't to sure how I was getting home, but now I am! That's right I have a plane ticket home! God is faithful. When something seems so big and out of reach, God just puts forth His hand and provides. I'm so blessed to live for a God who's bigger than all my problems. Who holds the universe in his hand. Whose love is never ending, unchanging, and for everyone. I am truly in love with God.

Now I quickly want to share on a topic that has challenged me recently. It's something that I never really thought worth changing until I realized that it wasn't good for me at all. It's sarcasm. Like a maniac shooting, flaming arrows of death, is one who deceives a neighbor, and says, "I was only joking!" For myself personally I'm going to use my words to uplift and encourage and I don't want to leave room for sarcastic remarks. I've already caught myself a couple times but I'm going to work on it. I encourage all of you to catch yourself next time you quickly roll off a sarcastic remark and come back with more positive ones. Let's encourage the people around us and build each other up.

Anyways, the weather is amazing, was up to 35 degrees. It's amaaaazing. So hot. But I'm going to a movie later so I best be off. See ya!

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