Monday, September 24, 2007

Live Called.

Hey everyone!

So it's been awhile since I last posted. Life has been a nice routine for the past month or so and that has been nice. I wish I had some amazing things to say but we'll save em for a rainy day! Not to sure if a rainy day is gonna come soon because it's been dreadfully hot, like I lay on my balcony and tan in 20 minutes, what's with that? I'm sure your enjoying the weather as well in the land up over!

So an update on school, I'm planning on heading to Calgary in September of 2008 to Ambrose University College to do my Bachelor of Theology! I'm in the process of applying so we'll see how things go. I have no idea what's really going to happen, but I'm free to move if things need change. One step closer to becoming a pastor! Aren't you all excited! I hope you come to my church! Even if your not Christian!

Soon enough classes will be done, and I will be heading home! I'm super excited, I've been having dreams day and night of seeing you all! Can't wait! So when I came here I only booked a one-way ticket just because I wasn't sure how things were going to turn out. But I'm coming back! I've been trying to save up, but going to school full time and paying bills. I'll get there, soon...

God has saved us and called us with a holy calling.

Alyssa, my sister, you remember your initials I found in the pavement. Well. Here they are! Love you!

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