Weeks Into Months
So whether or not you've read my previous post, I just want to encourage you to, the whole thing. If it feels like I'm shoving something down your throat, it's exactly the opposite, it's opening up your heart. I just wanted to address that because there may be some people who might not understand, if you don't, please feel free to e-mail me, for anything.
This week has been pretty awesome. I'm getting that feeling of time quickly moving. I've been here for almost three months. I know that soon enough my time will be done here. It helps me to enjoy the time here even more. Even if I've scrapped my poor toe against the pavement from my flip-flops more times than I can count. It's still a good day! I can just head over to the sauna for a little bit and then maybe relax in the hot tub, or go for a swim. Then usually, walk outside in my boardies as the wind gushes by. Maybe step on a cockroach or two on my way home. It's a good day. The night air is so beautiful here, it's cold and crisp, reminds me of home.
On Easter Sunday my connect group leaders Dan and Jaz get engaged! It was awesome, it started off by Jaz was walking from one person another collecting roses, 23 in all. At each person we each gave her a compliment, after all she's an amazing person. As she got to the last person, her parents took Dan and Jaz to a secret location, and the rest is history. Yah, She said YES! The engagement party is next Saturday so it should be fun!
We had Easter dinner on Monday with ham, potatoes, peas, corn, bread, and an awesome chocolate cake. What a great way to celebrate, with food!
I got a couple of assignments due tomorrow. Two in Psalms and one in Contemporary Church. I'm halfway done both and I have the rest of the night to finish them. I just finished up Biblical Counselling yesterday with an exam which went well.There's another picture I took of Hilton. It's HUGE! Since the service was at the convention centre at Darling Harbour, in between the morning and evening services a group of us walked around the city. Yah, work is going well, I didn't have to work at all this week. I talked to the guy who was doing the scheduling and they had my times from when I first started and they haven't changed so that means I missed out on work this week. Not to worry, I work next week, Monday at 4:30 AM and Thursday at 6:00 AM! Woohoo. It's a great job and I love it. Still can't believe I work there.
So life is going to continue and I'm going to go meet up with it and enjoy its company! Love you and miss you all!

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