Almost over...
One more day! This week has been a fairly long week. It's ALMOST over! Although it's the same amount of time as every other week, I think I've packed a whole lot more in the hours given to me on this particular week. I'm exhausted.
I was laying on my bed, looking at the roof, just thinking about all the things I've been through over the past years. All the things I've got to experience. When I start thinking about my life, I literally go back to my earliest memory, and try to go through the days that I can remember, whether taking the bus to school, or pretending to fly off my swing set, getting lost, riding my bike, going to the zoo. Cool things like that. Anyways, my mind was just drifting and a thought came into my head...
You are living in a blessing.
Wow, think about those words. What do they entail? Freedom? Prosperity? Vehicles? Cell phones? Apartments? A house? Your life is a blessing. Your alive, count that as a blessing. That fact that you have a food to eat, a roof to sleep under, and clothes to wear is a blessing. So when you feel like you have nothing, when your overwhelmed, think of the blessings God has given you. The action seems so small, but the impact is huge. So when your praying for a blessing, make sure to thank God for the blessings he's already given you, life included. So be blessed and remember the blessings that God has given you.

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