Sunday, July 08, 2007

6 months!

It's hard to believe that on the 18th of July I'll have lived in Sydney, Australia for 6 months. I wish I could say it's easy, but for me it wasn't. It's been hard and difficult living so far away from everyone. I really wish for just a moment I could come back and see you all and sit down with everyone and just talk about life and everything that has been going on, but I can't, not yet.

Over the past week I've been fighting the flu. The high fever, aching body, couch, sore throat, headache kinda flu. Of course it had to come right before conference. I fought it until I had to return to my bed Tuesday afternoon and sleep till Wednesday afternoon, literally. I went to the doctors and got some medicine and such. I've been praying and praying but it only seems that my body is just going to have to fight this one.

The conference, was amazing. Indescribable.
Check it out.

Everyone watch this!

Love you all.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I misss youuuuu.
i'm pretty sure you should come home and just talk to everyone about life and such.
I'd be down. :)