Another year done...
Wow, my first year of University is done. It has been quite a learning and growing experience. This is first time in years where I actually had to study and work for my marks, not that I never tried. Just Hillsong wasn't so much of a academic school but rather vocational so I was involved in ministry outlets more. It was a challenge when I had to write a 10-page paper for the first time. They really aren't as bad as they might seem. With a lot of research and time commitment, one can pull it off. It gets me wondering how people write books though...
Another great thing that will be happening, that is next year, I will be in Student Council. I got accepted by the student body to be Vice President. I'm looking forward to being actively involved in the school I'm attending. It's the first time I have done Student Council, but I know it's going to be great.
This is a lovely picture of all the people I got to live with on the third floor.
With school done, I moved out of Calgary and am now living in the great north. Yellowknife! Meghan Broddy and I traveled up and arrived this morning after a nice drive and a short flight. We were scheduled to leave tomorrow but we made it to the airport this morning and there was room on the plane so we got to leave a day early. I had 4 bags, all of them got on, and I didn't have to pay any fees! No security checks. The plane itself I think has been around since the 1950s and seated just over 20. Looked like it was made of tin and was incredibly loud at takeoff. They also served us a choice of Oreo cookies or crackers, and drinks in Styrofoam cups. I passed these as it was 7:30 in the morning and I really wasn't hungry for an Oreo. The cockpit was open for all to see. It was rather amusing. One could have walked on the plane with fully loaded guns and no one would have noticed. Safe eh? Anyways, it was 11 degrees here during the day which feels awesome. It's so nice outside.
This Monday at 2 PM I have an interview for a job. Depending on how the interview goes, I might have to do more job hunting or I'll have a great job. I'm looking forward to working and getting into a routine and such.
So I'm doing well and glad to be here and start another journey of my life. It was great to see my Mom, John, Nick, and of course all the dogs from which I received a lot of loving.
I also watched a great movie, it's called Changeling with Angelina Jolie. I thought it was amazing. I cried, well more like teary eyed, but don't tell anyone.

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