So I'm just getting over a cold, which sucks, but I'm glad it wasn't to bad. This past Friday and Saturday were the worst days. After lots of Tylenol Cold & Flu, I'm almost better. Just a runny nose and a slight cough. Both Jordan and I got sick at the same time, which was nice in that were both going through it at the same time instead one waiting to get sick, while the other one spreads their germs everywhere if you know what I mean.
School has been great. It feels good to be finally getting some book knowledge and it's even sweeter because I enjoy the classes I'm taking. My most challenging class would have to be Hebrew. Although I know a bunch of words and the alphabet, with any new language comes tons of challenges. I also got a Hebrew Bible to practice my reading. Its weird because you read it backwards. For another one of my classes, were memorizing most of the countries of the world in sections. The first section is Middle East, Asia, Australia. So I know about 50 countries and some of there capitals, which is cool because if I hear someone talking about Bhutan or Tajikistan I know where they are.I also made a small purchase. I got a long board. After wanting to get one for awhile, I went out and got one. I've fallen in love once again. Snowboarding is a huge passion of mine, now long boarding has come along side. I feel like I'm on the slopes except there's pavement below me and cars around me, but it's amazing. This is a picture of the exact board I have, except that I have some sweet bright green wheels instead of the yellow ones. I must confess though, I was standing at a corner with Jordan waiting for the walk sign downtown Calgary, and I was swinging my board back and fourth and I ran over a poor lady's toe! I felt so bad! She said she was fine and she was actually pretty cool about. So I'm just apologizing once again to that lady because I really didn't mean to. We also went to a parkade, that was fun.
So I'm done writing here. Adios. Love you all!
1 comment:
very nice longboard, cory. :)
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