Go! Go! Go!
So a couple weeks have gone by since my last entry and a lot has happened. It’s crazy to think that I’ve been here for over two months!
Once more, Happy Birthday to all who have birthday’s in March! I’m 19! Almost out of my teenage years with one more year till 20! It’s weird, I remember turning 13 and thought I was so much old because I was a teenager, ha-ha.
So let us talk about work for a moment. My job is amazing! I love it so much. I’ve only been working there for a couple weeks, but it’s been sweet. I got the opportunity to start work with a group of people new to the business as well, so we were all in the same boat. A lot of the people I met working also started work a couple weeks ago as well. One great thing about this job is that I’m always working with people, whether it’s serving or my work mates; we have a great time and have fun. I couldn’t have asked for a better job! The uniforms are sweet to, there all black, and there easy to move around in, the cool thing is we don’t have to take our uniforms home, we get them at the start of the shift from the dry cleaners in the basement of the hotel and bring them back at the end, so our uniforms are always clean! So cool! We get to use this cool machine when we start shift, all you have to do is enter your employee number and then you put your finger print on the scanner and it signs you in and out. So overall I am very happy to work at Hilton and am glad that God placed me there.
Last week for college, we volunteered at the Colour Your World Women’s Conference from Wednesday to Saturday. That was an experience hard to describe. The Acer arena was filled with 17,000 women. I mean, 17,000 women! It was insane. You can imagine the worship. The preachers were amazing. I was hosting at the door for seating so I got to listen to a lot of the Word being spoken and messages preached and even as a man it impacted my life for the most part as it was mainly geared towards women! [Would you have guessed?] I got to meet some amazing ladies that really impacted my life with there generosity and kindness, they truly made the conference a blast! [Shout-out to Merrily if you’re reading this! Thanks for being so awesome!] Although there was only one bathroom for the males [By the way, the Acer arena for people from Edmonton, is just as big as the Rexall Place] But even with all the toilets [As Australians like to refer to them as] there was still massive lines to wait through for the ladies. One thing about Australians I find is they like their coffee. A LOT! You can find two or three coffee shops on every corner and every café has a barista to attend to the coffee machines they use. Well the line-ups for coffee were worse than the toilet, which I thought was funny. My door was by one and through out the whole conference there was a queue. I have had a couple coffees since I’ve been here and they are quite amazing, although I rather drink tea than coffee.
So after the conference was over, which was sad, but it was an amazing event nevertheless! The very next day [Sunday, March 18] Hillsong recorded their church album at the arena. So once again the Acer arena was packed full of Christians worshiping God. It was awesome. I feel so blessed to be apart of it. [Thanks Jana for the picture of the Kangaroo from the Zoo, although I still have yet to see one!]So last week was a tiresome one, but the Joy of the Lord is my strength. Even with only 5 hours of sleep a day, it was worth every last bit. The lucky thing about going to college is we get to do the same thing for another two conferences further into the year!
Speaking of God providing, I just wanted to share how awesome He has been the past couple of weeks. Everything has been falling into place so perfectly. It’s awesome how when you follow his plan, everything works out for the better. Even when you’re not sure how things are going to turn out, you know that He has your best interest in mind. It’s great to know that you’re following the will of God and that you have the creator of the world and all that exists looking out for you. How awesome is He.
Anyways, I think that covers everything that is going on right now. I can’t think of anything else. So yah, have a great day, be blessed!
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