Friday, May 07, 2010

To Build a Home

Well, where to begin! The last time I wrote was February 28, and I usually have never gone more than a month without writing. That goes to show how busy it has been the past couple months. I would love to share with you about everything going on in my life but I don’t want to write that much! This entry is mainly just going to be about what I’ve been doing for those family members who I didn’t get a chance to visit and talk with and for everyone else that might be interested. [I’m not that interesting ;)]

I just recently finished my second year of University at Ambrose this past month. It’s still hard for me to believe that I have only a year and a half of schooling and a year internship then I’m done! So I’m pretty much half way there!

This past year of school has been challenging. Just when you think school can’t get any harder…it does! I also know now I was over committed which proved to be a little difficult and disastrous in some areas. I found myself being spread a little thin, and we all know that it is not healthy for me, or the people I am interacting with. I am grateful for all the areas I got to serve in, but I’m realizing that as a human, we can only do some much, while continuing to stay healthy. Our bodies and minds are capable of amazing feats and for that I am thankful! I never really wanted to be that person that was involved in so many areas which wouldn’t allow me to fully participate in the areas that needed it the most. I found this is where neglect came in and neglect can ruin things, even our walk with God. You become so bogged down that you really just do what’s necessary at hand and move along from task to task, and I do not like living like that. Neglect can be a scary thing; it can ruin a person’s life. Let’s be more aware of our relationships and take care of them. Be aware if your neglecting someone and make amends! If your being neglected, speak up, let them know, and if nothing changes, you have your own life to live, so don’t let other people bring you down! When I neglect people, it hurts them, and I can’t live like that. As I try to be more careful with my relationships, I hope you will. I want you to enjoy the life you live! As for myself, next year I will be committing myself to one leadership role and school. I do not want to be neglectful anymore. I'll try, okay? That’s it, that’s all.

Something very cool that God is allowing me to do is be a part of the Central Planning Team Legacy Youth Conference 2011 at our school. You can check out the website at The website is pretty basic right now, until we figure a few things out. I’ve been involved in LYC for the last couple of years, I’ve been involved in their entertainment team, and as well as ushering. It will be great to take on a leadership role in LYC and be able to continue to serve the High School students.

So where am I now? I am currently sitting in Yellowknife, NWT! I’ll be here for the next four months working at Scotiabank, doing my teller work. I’m still quite amazed that I work at Scotiabank, and I don’t think I’ll ever get over how God put this together! I’m really looking forward to the summer up here; it’s a nice change to Calgary.Well, the snowboarding season is over, but the long boarding season has just begun! I want to encourage you all to get outside, walk somewhere instead of drive. Get a dog or three! Tell someone today that you love em!

What am I listening to now? The Cinematic Orchestra – To Build a Home

Love you all, and thanks for being there for me!

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