Friday, January 29, 2010

Healthy Living

So like all my other posts, they are simply expressions of what is going on in my life, hence the title of my blog "What's going on?" Since the start of the school year I've been consistently making choices in my life to live a healthy lifestyle. I think I was always put off by either working out or staying in shape because I always had this impression that people that go to the gym are egotistical and self-centered. Plus I've been blessed with a high enough metabolism where my weight was never an issue. I've come to realize a lot more people go to the gym than I expected and none of them are egotistical. There was one more fear, that my life would be consumed with lifting weights, running, and the desire to be bigger and better. I'm glad to say that I've overcome this very narrow minded view of the gym. I've developed a routine that I've stuck with for the past three weeks or so and I'm actually enjoying everyday life a lot more. I feel good about myself knowing that I've done some good for my body and mind. Also, starting to work out has actually made me be more aware of the food that I put in my body. Not saying that I won't eat junk food, but it's not something that I desire to eat anymore.

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