Thursday, October 29, 2009


Never in my life do I want to be so concerned with myself and my own problems, that I forget to take notice of the people around me.

So this past month has been relatively busy compared to my previous years of schooling. My involvement in different areas has definitely pushed me to my limits physically, mentally, and spiritually. What I'm noticing is that when I get to my limits, I retract. Almost in a preserving manner which I find interesting. My focus is primarily on myself and how I can I make it through each individual day and the overwhelming pressures I feel. On the other hand, I think by being aware of this, I'm learning to cope. The pressure is slowly subsiding and I'm starting to make my way back to being out in society. I'm learning to say no [a skill I thought I'd already developed] and to manage my time properly. Interesting enough, I had to write a short paper on time management which challenged my actions and gave me a little boost in regards to using my time well. How often do we neglect people for the sake of ourselves and how we feel that day? What happened to putting others before us? Love God, love people. How can you love God or people when all you consider is yourself and your own problems? Take care of yourself, don't get me wrong, but let us give our undivided attention to people that we interact with. Let us stop the wandering eyes that happens so often in our conversations. Let us invest into our relationships as much as we can. I know two essentials in life are community and faith, let us pursue both. Life is a journey, let us walk it together. Relationships come and go, but the ones we have in this moment are the ones that are significant.

What else happened this month?

My brother got married!

Live in the moment, look to the future, learn from the past.

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