Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Working Force

So just fresh out of High School like most graduates we are faced with decisions on where we want our future to go. Some of us are heading off to college or university to pursue life long or short term goals. Some, still trying to figure out what they want to do maybe work a full-time job while they contemplate their future.

For myself personally I've entered the mainstream working force before I head off to college as you might have figured. Wow, what a change. Just a couple weeks ago I had the opportunity to fly [ For free ] up to Diavik Diamond Mine, where I was working for Ek'ati Services, a member of the PTI contracting group, being a dishwasher. Now when I say dish washing I mean I washed dishes, using a commercial dishwasher, for 12 straight hours. It didn't stop. These 12 hour shifts went for 14 days straight. To say the least, I was exhausted by the end of that two-week rotation with the end of that because not only were the shifts long but they consisted of either working from 12:00 PM - 12:00 AM or 4:00 AM - 4:00 PM [ A week experience of both ]. Although the money was good, it by no means should determine how I live my life for the next couple of months. Spending time with my family before I leave takes priority, after all, I'm a family guy.

With that strenuous work load, I got about two weeks off before I started cashier work at Extra Foods [ Which was yesterday ]. This past weekend I was employed by Twilite Security working at the local Hospital Emergency room from 7:30 AM - 7:30 PM. After working at the hospital this past weekend, that was the end of that job. My life consisted of working, sleeping, and eating. Not cool. There's is just so much more of life to enjoy than work. So I am completely happy working at Extra Food's as a cashier. Enjoying every moment of every day as we all should.


Anonymous said...

Saw you had no comments;
so i'm writtinggg you one. I'm glad youre not working on the mines. and I cant wait until christmas break.I'm sooo pumped. haha.

Lori Aguinaldo said...

Hey Cory! Connie forwarded your blog url to me. How are you doing? Sounds like you're living an exciting life up there. Congrats on getting into Hillsong, by the way!