I'm not reading any books at the moment so I would love to hear your favourite books and give them a read, I am a Science Fiction/Fantasy nut, but I usually can give and novel a read. So send me a message on Facebook or comment here, I'm sure I'll be overwhelmed with response ;) Maybe I'll have to go on the search once again.
School is starting up here soon and I have an idea what my schedule is going to be like but I'm not sure if it's going to be busy. I can't imagine being to busy. This Thursday I'm moving out of my Aunty Kim and Jody's place into residence! That means meeting new people, how exciting! I'll hopefully remember to take some pictures and get them on here.
After being recommended to buy this album by my sister Alyssa, I saw it at the bookstore at church and had to buy it. I've listened to about half the album and I'm impressed. Chris Tomlin has brought out yet another amazing album. On the drive home there was an interview with Chris Tomlin on the radio about his album ironically, and he basically said that this isn't Chris Tomlin's album, it's God's through Chris. I Will Rise and Love with the Watoto Children's Choir are two of the most played songs. I'm really liking My Deliverer. Check it out on iTunes or I'm sure you can find some of his songs on GodTube or YouTube.
So I realize I've been doing reviews and such on a range of things, but when life is going well and I've run out of things to write I decided I'd share some of the entertainment/media things that I've come across.
Also something else that is really, really cool. "Ambrose alumnus and author of The Shack William P. Young will give a public lecture on the Ambrose campus Monday, September 15, 2008 from 7:00-8:30 p.m." How cool is that? I just thought that was pretty cool that I just read his book a week ago or what not and it turns out he's coming to my campus. Sweet eh? It's also open to family and friends!
I'm also excited for Christmas, don't ask me why, I just am. Right now I'm on the search for a Christmas Album.
I also got a haircut. I figure I can get a hair cut once every two months. So six hair cuts a year. That's $120 on haircuts in a year, depending on tip. In 10 years I would have spent $1200 on haircuts. Wow, just wow. But I guess it's worth it ;)