So it's the long weekend and only a couple more days till September is here! This year has been amazing and there is still a couple more months left in it!
I've finished a couple of books lately and I just wanted to recommenced them to all those readers out there. Actually it's kinda funny because I guess my generation is losing their reading skills, like there are way more people now that don't read than do. So if you say your not a reader, read. Reading is a skill that we learn and the more we read the better the we are. It's a life long skill that you'll never regret.

The first book was recommended to me by Carissa and Jan Muth, it's called The Shack and it's written by William P Young. It's about a father who loses his daughter and has a meeting with God, to put it simple but the book itself is far from simple. You may find that you need to put the book down a lot just to think about what has been said or as so often said you might even finish it one day it's that good and eye opening. It really gives you a different perspective on who God is and what He wants from us. The book portrays God in such a way, it's literally unbelievable but so real.

The other one that I just finished reading completely is Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. This one is a little bit bigger about a prostitute and a man and how they fall in love and their story. A major theme is this story is no matter how far we can run we can never escape God and the love He has for us. I read about 3/4 of the way through and that was when I was in the process of moving so I packed up the book and found it the other day and finished off the last half in one night and I'm glad I did.
Both these novels are worth while and should be read from start to finish and I don't think you'll be disappointed. If you have any other novels that you enjoyed let me know and I'd be more than happy to check them out.